Monday, January 24, 2005


this damn thing deleted my super cool post-first-day-of-midterms post.

fuck you basi.

do too.

Sunday, January 23, 2005


lets go in there and punch that test in the

hey you like how i start sentences and

sorta like when i was in eighth grade and this idiot kept

it annoyed me so much that i finally

yea my parents made me

but in the end i got

interesting eh?

ok you guys know where your going? im going to take the tape and dive towards the snake, freddy and bill hang back and call out positions. sandy and miles, u run front with me.

"10 seconds" here it comes boys....

Last minute panic?

For all of you who are up late right now and thinking to myself, "just a few more days of study and its all over" don't give up. However, do go to sleep. By now you have tried your best and are probably getting sleepy. If you try your best, whether you fail or succeed doesn't matter. It's like they say, its not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game (unless that game is halo 2, then losing is not an option :0)

Monday, January 10, 2005

Reporting Live From My House

Well its almost time for college boys (and girls, if ne girls read this.... oh God i hope they do), so for your reading pleasure I will make my top 10 tips for college page.

1. Do your work on time... or dont... i really dont give a shit. But college is just about pacing yourself, you can make it as hard or as easy as you want it to be.

2. Remember when you tell a joke in college, you won't have your buddies to give you a courtesy laugh, so dont tell one unless its funny!

3. You can't refer to Christie as being hot, cuz most of them dont know who the fuck she is, and they have their own Christies, but they are named like Dana, Maxine, and shit like that.

4. Play Halo 2

5. Give me money

6. Fuck you

7. Dont' rely on anyone, college is to learn to be independent. Sure you can ask for help now and then, but realize when you get into the work force all you co workers will hate you, even the one who smiles and asks you how your first day was.

8. Wearin a hat on Wednesday is no longer crazy hat day, but rather let's smear that indian and his azn buddies that have those hats on.

9. Don't get a girlfriend whose a bitch just cuz she's hot, cuz we already have enough things bitching at us, one more could break the camel's back. Go for one whose nice.

and number 10

10. Whatever the fuck you do, don't ever mention you know Sundeep Basi... cuz everybody hates that prick and then you'll have no friends and then cry... all the way back to New Jersey... unless your going to school in New Jersey... then you really dont have ne where to cry back to.

Friday, January 07, 2005


I wish everyone reading and most of the people not reading a fantastic seventh day of the year and many more, if only to fit in with this seventh day. Fitting in is important. The president of America leads us to believe that he enjoys the feeling of the inside of his jeans and that he prays and that he's just like you and me. He fits in. He is also very important, arguably the most important man in the world, discounting religious idols such as Mohammed or the Buddha or the president's own personal favorite, JC, protagonist of the best selling book in the world. I speak of the Bible. The Bible, filled with words gifted to us by god himself, via publishing companies who deliver them to hotels, churches, and bookstores in every corner of the world. Word spreads far. Farther than Moses could ever see, even from the top of Mount Sinai, where he conversed with flaming flora and a pair of cracked stones fell from the sky into his waiting, faith-strengthened arms. Perhaps Moses lifted weights with his faith. Strength is among the most sought-after qualties we have in our shrinking world, and those who possess and control strength also possess and control those who do not possess and control strength.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

computers are stupid